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Stepping Up to Leadership: Find Your Authentic Style When Leading Others or Yourself

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Featuring Marengo Coach Chris Rollins

True self-leadership lies in unleashing more of who you already are, and having the courage to bring that person to the table; to live your truth.

True self-leadership lies in unleashing more of who you already are, and having the courage to bring that person to the table; to live your truth. The problem is you get caught up in everything you’re doing, and don’t spend enough time really getting to know who you are at your core - who you’re being. Over time, the result is a wayward career, unfulfilling work, and uninspired leadership.


Join us for a workshop to uncover what’s unconsciously driving how you show up as a leader, strategies to connect more powerfully with who you are, and methods to lead yourself from an authentic place instead. 


This session will give you the inspiration and tools to help you get out of autopilot and:

  • Instantly build more self-awareness

  • Be effective in the face of fear 

  • Dismantle roadblocks limiting your potential

  • Connect more powerfully with your purpose and values

How to Transition to Something Bigger, Better, or Just Different

Featuring Marengo Coach Devon McConnell and Brand Anthropologist Anouk Pappers

Whether you’d like to join a board or take your career to the next level, this session will encourage you to think about who you were in the past and who you want to be in the future.

Whether you’d like to join a board or take your career to the next level, this session will encourage you to think about who you were in the past and who you want to be in the future.


We’ll do some simple exercises to uncover what it would feel like to be in the career you want and you’ll start thinking about how to bridge that gap between where you are today and where you’d like to end up. We’ll also expose some common obstacles that keep you from getting to the next level, and how to position yourself online for your next goal.


This is a good session for you if you are:

  • Considering a career switch


  • Want to be more influential in your current role


  • Wish to differentiate yourself from the competition


  • Interested in board placement

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Becoming the Intuitive Leader: How to Lead with Intuition and Succeed on Your Terms

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Featuring Marengo Coach May Empson

Learn how to make the shift from struggling to hear your inner voice to discovering and creating the self-leader who knows intuitively what they want and why.

Learn how to harness the power of intuition for self-leadership.


We’ll reveal how to make the shift from struggling to hear your inner voice, feeling like you’re not living in alignment with your values, and lacking confidence about what you really want next—to discovering and creating the self-leader who knows intuitively what they want and why.


This workshop will give you tools to increase your decision velocity in both your personal and professional life.


Register today, if you are:

  • Ready to experience more truth in your life—truth about who you are and what you stand for

  • Desiring to slow down because you know you’ve been pushing past your intuitive guidance

  • Curious about co-creation and ways to create your world from within

Up Your Networking Game: From Avoider to Evangelist


Featuring Marengo Coach Kim Jones

Why do women tend to build less optimal professional networks compared with men and how can they overcome the obstacles to successful networking?

Designed for professionals at all career levels, this workshop reveals why women tend to build less optimal professional networks compared with men and how they can overcome the obstacles to successful networking.


During this 1-hour interactive workshop, you’ll learn your specific networking style and how it supports and/or hinders your professional development.  You’ll learn strategies for increasing your networking effectiveness, as well as techniques for implementing actions that expand your network, while having fun doing it!  You’ll also hear about how to effectively network across a variety of professional groups and use your connections to advance your career and support you in your professional objectives.

The Great Awakening: Position Yourself for Success in Today's Employment Market

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Featuring Marengo Coach Carrie Holtz and Executive Recruiter Margo Christou

Making the right career move at the right time is critical to your long-term success and fulfillment, and is a skill that can be learned.

Things have significantly changed over the past two years — the way employees think about their employment and the employment market have changed in material ways. Making the right career move at the right time is critical to your long-term success and fulfillment, and is a skill that can be learned. In this interactive session, learn how to position yourself to succeed in this new “great awakening” employment market. Hear about the new trends in search from a top Executive Recruiter, and hear the common mistakes and pitfalls. Then learn how to prepare yourself internally and externally for your next step via exercises led by a best-in-class Executive Coach. 

This is a good session if: 

  • You want the inside scoop on the new employment ecosystem from two former HR executives

  • You are thinking about the next step in your career and to land your ideal role

  • You are looking to polish your personal brand and amplify your professional network during the search

  • Strategies to present your best self during the interview process

Managing Up and Influencing Without Authority

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Featuring Marengo Coach Corena Chase

While no two managers are alike, your ability to manage up effectively will determine much of your success and your happiness in a given role.

While no two managers are alike, your ability to manage up effectively will determine much of your success and your happiness in a given role.


In this session, we’ll discuss key elements of managing up and across. We'll explore ideas to up-level your ability to persuade and influence in a way that aligns your manager and your peers with what matters to you. 

We'll address:

  • Essentials of influencing without authority

  • Persuading senior partners to support your ideas and deals from a position of less power

  • Constructive disagreement with a senior partner

  • Finding your voice in moments that matter

Creating More Meaning and Energy in Your Career

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Featuring Marengo Coaches Corena Chase Devon McConnell

Explore how coaching helps activate the big and small changes that create meaningful, lasting impact.

Explore how coaching helps activate the big and small changes that create meaningful, lasting impact.


Whether at a crossroads in your career or looking to develop more influence and impact in your current role, this session will introduce the most common results people see from working with executive coaches.


This is a good session for you if you: 

  • Want to better navigate your organization

  • Want to be more influential in your current role

  • Want to be more fulfilled

Explore how coaching helps activate the big and small changes that create meaningful, lasting impact.


Whether at a crossroads in your career or looking to develop more influence and impact in your current role, this session will introduce the most common results people see from working with executive coaches.


This is a good session for you if you: 

  • Want to better navigate your organization

  • Want to be more influential in your current role

  • Want to be more fulfilled

Explore how coaching helps activate the big and small changes that create meaningful, lasting impact.


Whether at a crossroads in your career or looking to develop more influence and impact in your current role, this session will introduce the most common results people see from working with executive coaches.


This is a good session for you if you: 

  • Want to better navigate your organization

  • Want to be more influential in your current role

  • Want to be more fulfilled

“Keep your head down, and you’ll get noticed.” We’ve seen this method fail for so many. There’s a better way to present yourself and quickly advance through the ranks. Join CBS alumna, former consultant, HR executive, and Marengo Executive Coach, Carrie Holtz, to learn how you can best set yourself up to progress.

We will also discuss how understanding your own Emotional Intelligence can result in strengthening your management and leadership abilities and lead to dramatic increases in performance. We’ll do some simple exercises focused on approaching your career with more Emotional Intelligence.


This is a good session for you if you are looking to:


  • Advance in your organization​

  • Proactively manage your career by getting out of a "rut"​

  • Heighten your self-awareness and self-control​

  • Manage anxiety and stress at work​

  • Learn more about emotional intelligence

Strategize Your Way to the Top: Tried and True Methods to Boost Your Career

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Featuring Marengo Coach Carrie Holtz 

“Keep your head down, and you’ll get noticed.” We’ve seen this method fail for so many. There’s a better way to present yourself and quickly advance through the ranks.

Cultivating Leaders Not Followers: How to Develop Talent from Former Hedge Fund CFO

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Featuring Marengo Coach Josh Nadell 

During his 25-year tenure as CFO at Elliott, Josh realized that the traditional “command and control” structures may motivate some people to do their jobs but inspirational leaders consistently find ways to cultivate their teams.

During his 25-year tenure as CFO at Elliott, Josh realized that the traditional “command and control” structures which dominate the financial services industry may motivate some people to do their jobs well on a transactional basis, but that inspirational leaders are able to consistently find ways to cultivate in their team a steadfast commitment to a cause and to each other. This level of commitment has a profound impact on outcomes.


Josh modeled this philosophy throughout his professional career, and it represents the foundation of his coaching practice today. He became certified as a coach in order to continue his own learning journey and to share these lessons with other leaders in the industry and beyond.


This is a good session for you if you are looking to:

  • Create a culture of inspired, passionate team members and employees

  • Learn effective ways to develop talent

  • Lead your team to reach its full potential

Creating Your Path to the C-Suite: One Executive's Journey


Featuring Marengo Coach Kim Jones

As of 2022, women comprise 25% of C-suite roles, which is much higher than in 2015 when Kim Jones became a Chief Information Officer at Farmers Insurance, a Fortune 500 company.

As of 2022, women comprise 25% of C-suite roles, which is much higher than in 2015 when Kim Jones became a Chief Information Officer at Farmers Insurance, a Fortune 500 company. In her journey to the top, she learned invaluable lessons that have developed into the framework she uses to help clients consider their own careers.


Geared toward women aspiring to achieve leadership positions, this engaging talk is also relevant to anyone with leadership aspirations. In this event, we’ll cover:

  • The importance of understanding and leveraging your individual signature strengths

  • Addressing gender biases to foster awareness, confidence, and constructive action

  • How to build professional networks that support and accelerate career advancement

  • Why you should create a professional brand that aligns with your signature leadership strengths

  • Methods to overcome obstacles and turn them into learnings that propel professional growth

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